Welcome to our FAQ section where you will find answers to frequently asked questions.

What is the purpose of muscle relaxation preparations?

Muscle relaxants are used to smooth facial lines that arise due to facial expressions. The injected toxin prevents nerve impulses being sent to the muscles, which in turn causes the muscles to relax on the surface where the formulation is applied. This in turn can lead to wrinkles caused by facial expressions that become smooth and become inconspicuous during facial movements. This treatment is usually applied to areas where wrinkles occur due to muscle activity in a specific area.

Will it hurt to get injections?

Like many other injections, the pain of injecting muscle relaxants varies from person to person. All people experience pain in different ways. Some people do not feel it at all, and some people can reduce pain in the treatment area. The sensation described is usually the “swelling” sensation associated with the injection. If necessary, local anesthesia in the form of lidocaine can be obtained on site before treatment.

When do I expect to see the effect of treatment?

You can see a slight effect after 72 hours, and it will gradually increase. Full effect is achieved after 10-14 days. The effect that occurs depends on the given dose and injection technique.

How long does the treatment effect last?

The effect varies from person to person, but a good effect should last about 3-6 months.

How long does the treatment take?

The treatment takes about 20 minutes. Your injection therapist will perform aPerform a facial analysis with you to see which areas of your specific face need treatment.

What brand do you use?

We use Botox Dysport®, Vistabel, Botox Allergan

What are the common side effects of muscle relaxation therapy?

Common side effects that can occur after treatment are small bruises at the injection site and a slight headache after treatment. Another less common side effect that can occur is drooping eyelids, which is because the brow treatment affects the muscles that control the eyebrows.

This, in turn, causes it to become a “dangling” eyelid. This side effect is not common, and affects only about 5% of patients in the forehead. The effects of side effects can last for about 2-4 weeks and then disappear.

When should you not choose this treatment?

If you are allergic to botulinum toxin or any of its components, you will not receive any treatment. If you have a skin infection in the area you are treating, if you feel a general malaise, or if you have a persistent infection and you are receiving treatment, you should avoid botulinum toxin therapy. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, we also do not carry out any treatment. This applies to anyone who receives cosmetic treatment at the clinic and various diseases such as ALS and Myasthena Gravis.

What do I need to consider after treatment?

Remember not to touch the insertion site after treatment. You can return to normal work immediately after treatment. Remember not to squeeze or massage the area, as this will cause the preparation to spread and affect other muscles in the immediate area. On the first day, you should avoid direct sunlight, extreme heat, hot showers and hard exercise.

When will you see the result?

The results are immediately visible and the swelling experienced by many usually disappears after about two to three days.

How long does the treatment take?

The process itself takes 2-5 minutes. After consultation and preparation, the time is estimated to be 30 minutes.

How long can lip augmentation last?

Lips can absorb fillers faster than other parts of the face and usually require an accumulation phase. Therefore, we always make a personalized design plan for the lips.

It usually takes 2-3 times during the construction phase. A few weeks after the first treatment, you may feel that your lips have returned to their original position basically. It usually needs to be replenished 1-2 months after the first visit to achieve long-lasting and natural results.

When the desired effect is achieved, it is enough to maintain 1-2 times a year.

Will there be lumps on the lips after filler treatment?

There can usually be pockets in the lip tissue, where rags sometimes accumulate, forming small pieces. These usually disappear after a few weeks. If they do not disappear spontaneously, you can help yourself to massage them.

What does it mean if a lump appears after a few weeks of treatment?

If a lump develops a few weeks after treatment, this usually indicates that the lips should be refilled.

Can you change the shape of the lips or just increase the volume?

All lips are different and have different conditions. You can use a variety of techniques to shape your lips into the shape you want. You can increase the volume and make them look more swollen. If your mouth is small and narrow, you can even enlarge your lips. If you are already satisfied with the size of your lips, you can also create symmetry to make the shape more uniform. Our therapist has a good knowledge of anatomy and aesthetic awareness. Most of it can be achieved, but to achieve a natural result.

How much fillers are needed and how many repetitive treatments are needed?

If you have never had a filler treatment in your lips before, your body will break down the filler in the first few weeks. Therefore, 3-4 weeks after the first visit, you may experience that the lips have basically returned to their original state.

It usually takes 2-3 treatments 1 month apart to achieve natural and long-lasting results.

Therefore, the first treatment is always carried out with 1 ml, and the rest can be varied between 0.5-1 ml.

If I am interested in tattooing my lips, should I do it before or after filler treatment?

If you are interested in getting a tattoo on your lips, we recommend that you tattoo yourself at least 3 weeks before the filling treatment.

I have done lips in another clinic, do I need to empty them?

This varies from person to person. In order for us to fulfill your wishes, sometimes we may need to empty our lips first. If we feel that your lips already have a good foundation, it is best to build these foundations without draining. Once we have the first opportunity to conduct a comprehensive analysis of you, we will make a decision on the spot.

I have had lips done at another clinic, can I book a refill?

No, since this is the first time you visit us, you need to book a consultation before as well as a first treatment “lip augmentation”, this applies regardless of whether you have filled your lips at another clinic.

What do fillers consist of and what is hyaluronic acid?

Wet fillers consist of hyaluronic acid, which is a water-binding sugar molecule naturally found in the body. It is hyaluronic acid and collagen, maintains the layers and structure of the skin and helps to give the skin volume and moisture. As you age, your own hyaluronic acid decreases and your skin becomes loose.

Why choose a temporary filler for hyaluronic acid instead of a permanent one?

The age of the face and its structure will change over time. Changes in fat, bone, muscle and skin result in a decrease in facial volume and skin elasticity. Due to these age changes in body tissues, the use of permanent fillers carries a greater risk of permanent complications, namely irregular shapes. Permanent agents will move with age and sink into other unwanted areas of the face. Therefore, the results of permanent fillers that look great today may have the opposite effect in 10 years. If you change your mind, permanent funds are very difficult to get away.

When will you see the result?

The results are immediately visible, and after about two to three days, the swelling that many people experience usually disappears.

Can I go to work immediately after treatment?

You can usually return to work and normal life after replenishment treatment. You may experience slight soreness and redness after treatment, but it usually subsides within a few days. There is some swelling after treatment and the swelling may last for several days. Some people may even get bruises, which may need to be applied within the next few days.

Can fillers be used during pregnancy or lactation?

A filler treatment should not be given during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

How long can I start treatment after breastfeeding?

We recommend that you wait at least 2 months after you stop breastfeeding.

If you are sick or have herpes/cold sores, can you get a refill treatment?

You must not get an infection or fever during treatment. You also cannot have a pimple at the injection site or a herpes infection on the body or injection site.

Can I smoke after treatment?

Smoking should not be done for at least 4 hours after treatment.

What is the difference between all the different filler brands?

There are several brands on the market. The difference between formulations usually lies in how manufacturers produce their products, how the molecules are connected, and how refined they are. The manufacturer's method determines how the filler works. The difference lies in how much water they absorb, how quickly they break down and how well they retain their shape. Therefore, there are differences between different manufacturers and different products of one manufacturer. We have carefully selected the best products on the market to use: Stylage, Juvederm and Teosyal. No brand is better or worse than other brands. The brand you treat depends on the area to be treated and your condition.

All the refill brands we use contain hyaluronic acid. Since the 1990s, it has been the most widely used substance in fillers. They are not permanent, but will gradually be broken down by the body.

Can you mix or combine different filler brands?

We often combine different fillers, different densities (thickness), depending on the area to be treated. People can combine different filler marks on different areas of the face. In theory, you can also mix different fillers based on hyaluronic acid, for example, but if you are too close to the latest treatment, you should avoid using it. If you have received other brands of treatment in the past, please contact our therapist first. If you have an old filler on your lips, you should wait a few months before filling another one.

Does it hurt to refill treatment?

Pain is personal. Before treatment, you will take anesthetic ointments (lidocaine and tetracaine) to relieve pain. Some of our refill syringes also contain anesthetics.

Do you get anesthesia?

Yes, we have anesthetic ointments that contain dental drugs (lidocaine).

How long do fillers last?

The filling time depends on the area being treated and the individual's metabolism and lifestyle. Each treatment area on the face has its own duration, which depends on the tissue under the skin and the area of treatment. Typically, most treatments last from four to twelve months.

What side effects/complications can occur after a filler treatment?

We have carefully selected the best products on the market (Stylage, Juvederm and Teosyal). These are considered very safe products, and rare complications and side effects rarely occur. The low rate of complications is primarily due to the fact that the injected substance consists of a natural substance (hyaluronic acid), and the effect of the injected product is temporary. If something goes wrong, the result is restored because the product is broken down by the body.

Possible complications of filler treatment may involve:

  • Skin Penetrating Infection, Asymmetry and Irregularity
  • Bleeding, bruising and/or swelling may occur soon after treatment and may last up to a week
  • The skin in the treated area can also become red, inflamed, itchy, and develop rashes and allergies. These side effects are not common and are usually short-lived
  • If you do not want to continue treatment, will you return to your original form?
  • Yes, filler treatment is not permanent. Eventually, the body returned to its original form.

Can fillers be removed?

Fillers based on hyaluronic acid can be broken down by injecting an antidote called Hyalase. After treatment with Hyalase, the filling decomposed within 24 hours and the appearance recovers immediately.

Will the result be uneven?

None is 100% symmetrical, which, of course, affects the result of filler treatment. We always try to achieve perfect and symmetrical results, but unfortunately this is not always possible.

What if I need correction?

Any correction should only be made in the event of an acute or obvious dismissive complaint and within the earliest 2 weeks after treatment. Before booking a correction, our therapist will evaluate with the photos sent by email. Please note that no corrections will be made to the lips after the first treatment. This is due to the fact that the final result requires at least 2 treatments.

How many treatments do I need?

It all depends on the area and what your hair type is like. Therefore, some areas may take longer and others faster. We recommend 5-8 treatments. Since we at Lounes use one of the best lasers on the market, there will be fewer occasions.On average, 30% fewer treatments are required for us compared to other laser machines on the market, saving you as a customer both time and money.

Is your laser adapted to remove light hairs?

Yes, our machine can remove light hairs. Gray and white hairs that lack pigment can not be removed by laser.

How does laser hair removal work?

The laser emits energy at three different wavelengths, Alexandrite, YAG and Diode, which is specifically adapted to treat all hairs with pigments. This energy is then converted into heat which goes down and destroys the hair follicle so that no new hair can form there.

Why do we need multiple laser treatments?

Since it is very effective to treat the hair when it is in its growth phase, it takes several treatments to be able to capture all the hairs at the correct growth phase. It is important to carry out treatments regularly to make each treatment session more effective. Usually, at least 5 to 8 treatments are required for best results.

Is the result always permanent?

The hairs that are in the growth phase at the time of treatment will never grow back. In contrast, new hair follicles can come to life during hormonal changes such as pregnancy or menopause, even supplements can bring new hairs to life.

Therefore, we recommend a treatment once a year after the end of laser treatment to avoid new hairs.

When should I not perform my laser treatment?

When should I not perform my laser treatment?

We recommend not to perform a laser treatment during menstruation as the body is sensitive, the laser may be felt more than usual.

Fatigue, backwardness, stress can also affect the body.

Do you need to prepare before laser treatment?

Yes you need to be freshly shaved 24H before your booked laser treatment. Avoid makeup, creams and deodorant when you come to your treatment. Do not wax or pluck your hairs on the area to be treated 6 weeks before treatment. This should be avoided during the treatment process. If the customer is unshaven, there will be an additional cost for shaving. The cost of shaving varies depending on the size of the area between 200-600kr.

When to see the results after a laser treatment?

This is very individual, but usually between treatments 1—5 you can begin to see results, depending on how susceptible you are to the laser, the type of hairs, etc.

Does your laser treatment hurt?

No, our machine is 100% painless but you may experience a feeling like Nipples with denser hair growth.Can all skin types be treated? Yes, our machine can treat all skin types, however, customers with darker skin tone need more treatment

Can I get tanned and sunburned after a laser treatment?

You can come sunburned to us for a laser treatment and you can even sunbathe after however if you feel no heat from the treatment area.

If you experience a heat from the treatment area, you should avoid the sun, sauna, hot shower for 24H until it has subsided.

Can I get laser treatment while pregnant or breastfeeding?

No, we do not perform laser treatments on pregnant or nursing mothers, as there are too few studies on this.

What do I need to consider after a treatment?

After a laser treatment, it is important to avoid shaving for the first 14 days, as all shaving stimulates hair growth. We recommend shaving as little as possible between treatments for the most effective and best results.

You can exercise and sunbathe after your laser treatment as our laser is not stressful on your skin. However, hard physical exercise, baths and saunas should be avoided on the same day.

If you experience heat from the treatment area, you should refrain from these points.

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