Botox treatment has become really popish when it comes to conjuring away wrinkles and fine lines. But how do these little magic tricks actually work?
Here's how it goes: When you get Botox injected, it sends a chill to your nerves telling your muscles to relax. So when the muscles can't contract as usual, those stubborn wrinkles disappear, especially those from constantly raising the eyebrows or plucking with the lips .
It's not just any bacteria you inject, dear someone no! Botox comes from Clostridium botulinum, though lab-treated to keep it safe. The type they use here is A, specially adapted for medical injections. The treatment runs on a super-thin needle for precision cracking on the wrinkles.
TypeAreas of useBotox treatmentWrinkles and fine linesMedical useNeck spasms, lots of sweat, migraines and more
Botox benefits on a double front, both for appearance and health. Cosmetically, it smoothes wrinkles and makes you look fresh and fresh. In fact, Botox-Neurotoxin is the most common anti-wrinkle trick worldwide.
But it doesn't end there! Medically, Botox can even ease pain by telling the nerves to “take it easy,” resulting in less muscle tightness and pain. But here's the thing: the effects don't stick around forever, but you have to do it again and again to keep the look in check.
TypeEffectsCosmeticsDamaged wrinkles, smoother skinMedicineMinor pain, helpful for migraines
Understanding how Botox works and its effects can help people make smarter decisions about their beauty treatments. So if you are considering Botox treatment, now you know a little more about what to expect.
Those who are considering Botox will love to know how quickly it starts to work and how long it lasts. Here you will find out what you can expect from the effect and durability.
After Botox injections, you may soon begin to see results. Usually, within a few days you will start to notice a difference, and after about two weeks you will have received the full dividend. Here's what it usually looks like:
First results: 1-3 days after treatment
Full effect: About 2 weeks after
Forehead wrinklesLaughter wrinkles, forehead lines, and other unwanted creases tend to soften for about 3-4 months after an injection, but then the muscles regain strength and the wrinkles come creeping back. This means that if you want to keep your new look, you need to go back about every four to six months. This is how the effect lasts:
Duration of the effect
Average duration: 3-4 months
Recommended retouching: Every 3-6 months
Before you decide to get needled, be sure to talk to a skilled specialist. It reduces the risk of negative side effects and ensures that you get the best possible results. If price is one thing you're wondering about, take a look at our page about botox price. Since the effect can be influenced by various personal factors, it may also be worth reading more in our article on botox effects.
Before you hop on the train for a Botox treatment, there are a few things to keep in mind to make sure everything runs smoothly and safely.
Here's some stuff to have in the back of your mind before you let the needle do its job:
There are some people who might want to think a little extra time before going on a botox treatment, including:
GroupWhat to thinkPregnant or breastfeedingYou do not really know how botox affects the baby, Mayo Clinic has more info.People with neuromuscular diseasesDiseases such as myasthenia gravis can cause botox to work differently.Those with infections at the treatment siteInfections can interfere with healing and cause blunts.Allergic to botulinum toxinIt is important to tell the clinic if you have reacted to similar treatments in the past.
Safety is always number one, so follow these tips before you decide. A proper chat with the pros can really do the trick to get a good experience of your Botox treatment.
Cosmetic treatments such as botox have become quite popular and many people are looking for ways to look a little younger and boost their confidence. We take a look here at how people talk about their experiences with botox treatments and what they have to say about their visits to Lounes.
People are happy to share their opinions on how Botox has worked for them. This is usually a good sign of how well the treatments are working. Many patients are super satisfied with their results. Here's a quick summary of common views:
Average (1-5)
How well the treatment works: 4.8
How the staff respond: 4.9
How good the aftercare is: 4.7
Total experience: 4.8
Some point out how important regular visits are for best results, especially to overcome forehead wrinkles. It's also smart to avoid alcohol and some pain pills before running to avoid bruising.
People who visit Lounes in Stockholm say a lot about us. Customers praise the friendly and professional staff and many say they are really satisfied with treatments both with PRP and Botox. Here's how customers describe their experiences:
Staff response:
“Extremely nice and professional.”
The result of the treatments:
“Very happy with my results, really looking younger.”
“Telling everyone I know about Lounes, definitely worth it!”
It is often mentioned that botox helps to smooth out lines and increases self-confidence, which makes one dare to enjoy life a little more. It is important, of course, to choose the right clinic and doctor because knowledge is required to give the right doses.
Book your Botox consultation with us today.