Thread Lift Treatment- Everything You Need To Know

February 26, 2025

Thread lifting has become a popular beauty treatment for those who want to rejuvenate your appearance without surgery. In this article, we explain what thread lifting is, what areas can be treated, when the method is suitable as well as frequently asked questions, risks and side effects. The tone is simple and easy to read, so everyone can keep up.

What Is Thread Lifting?

Thread Lift is a non-surgical treatment that uses special degradable threads under the skin to lift and tighten sagging skin. The threads are most often made of materials such as PDO (polydioxanone), which is tissue friendly and has been used in surgery for a long time. Once placed under the skin, the strands provide an immediate lift by grasping the tissue and pulling the skin in the right direction. At the same time, the strands stimulate the skin's own collagen and elastin production, which improves the skin's elasticity and structure over time. The strands are broken down by the body after a few months, but the collagen stimulating effect can make the result persist for some time.

Thread lifting treatment is performed under local anesthesia and does not require surgical incisions, which means that the recovery time is shorter than with a traditional facelift. You can usually return to your daily activities relatively soon after the procedure. Thread lifting is sometimes called a “facelift without surgery” because one can achieve a rejuvenating effect with firmer skin structure without having to undergo an operation with general anesthesia or scarring.

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What areas can be treated with Thread Lift?

Thread lifting can be performed on many areas of the face (and to some extent the body) where the skin has lost tension. Common areas that can be treated with thread lifting include:

Thread Lift Face

Generally, one can treat larger areas of the face for a gentler lift. For example, cheeks and corners of the mouth can be lifted, and the contours of the face can be tightened for a more perky look. The threads help define the facial features and reduce the impression of wrinkles or sagging skin.

Thread Lift Eyebrows

Thread lifting can lift the eyebrows and the area around the eyes to give a more open look. This is sometimes known as a “foxy eyes” lift in which the outer corner of the eye is raised. Thin strands with barbs can be placed to pull up the outer part of the eyebrow, which can counteract drooping eyelids and give a more perky appearance.

Thread Lifting Eyes

Around the eyes, thread lifting can be used to tighten the skin and reduce fine lines. For example, very thin strands can be laid under the lower eyelids to improve the structure of the skin and reduce wrinkles or “bags” under the eyes. This can give a slightly smoother skin and a fresher look.

Thread Lift Neck

Also, the skin on the neck can be treated with thread lifting. If you have the beginnings of “turkey neck” (loose, sagging skin on the neck), threads can help tighten the area. Often neck treatment is combined with jawline/double chin to provide a more defined jaw line and smooth transition between face and neck. The result is a firmer skin on the neck and a more youthful appearance.

Thread Lift Jaw Line

For a more significant jaw line thread lifting can be used along the contour of the jaw. The wires are then placed so that they lift up the skin at the jawline and prevent the skin from hanging down over the jaw. This can give a more defined face and reduce the impression of hamster pouches (small hang at the jaws). After treatment, the jaw line may appear more clearly and the face acquires a sharper profile.

Thread Lift Hamster Bags

Hamster pouches are the vernacular name for those small “bags” of skin that can hang down by the jaws as the face ages. With Thread Lift you can pull up these parts. The threads are strategically placed in the area between the cheek and jawline to lift the tissue that is being weighed down. This will help smooth the transition between cheek and jaw, so that the face looks slimmer and the so-called hamster bags are reduced.

Thread Lift Double chin

A double chin is often due to both fat accumulation and sagging skin under the chin. Thread lifting can tighten the skin under the chin so that the double chin becomes less prominent. The strands are inserted under the chin line and pull the skin upwards towards the jaw. Sometimes thread lifting is combined with other treatments (e.g. fat removal) for best results in double chin. After a Thread Lift of the double chin, the profile can be felt sharper with a clearer jawline.

Note that thread lifting can also be used in other areas (some clinics even treat parts of the body, such as the upper arms or abdomen, with threads). But the face and neck are by far the most common areas where this method comes into use. Exactly which areas can be treated and how many threads are needed depends on the individual's needs and is discussed at the consultation with the therapist.

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When To Do Thread Lifting?

Thread lifting is best suited for people who are starting to have mild to moderate flaccidity of the skin and want a firming without to resort to surgery. For example, if you notice incipient drooping at the jawline or below the chin, drooping eyebrows, or generally reduced tension in the facial skin, a Thread Lift Treatment may be worth considering. Many people who are between the ages of 35 and 55 and see the first clearer signs of age opt for thread lifting to slow progress and improve their appearance in a natural way.

A huge advantage is that thread lifting gives an instant result without a long recovery, which attracts those who do not have the time or desire to undergo a comprehensive beauty operation. It is therefore a good alternative when you want a lift now and here, but aren't ready for (or in need of) a surgical facelift with general anesthesia and scars.

However, you have to have realistic expectations. Thread lifting provides not the same dramatic result as a surgical facelift. If you have very loose skin or large volume losses on your face (for example, if the skin sags heavily or if the cheeks are “bagged together”), a thread lift may not be enough. In such cases, other methods may be needed, such as a combination of thread lifting and filler, or a surgical procedure, to achieve the desired result.

It is also important to do thread lifting at the right time health-wise. You should not undergo treatment if you have an active infection, inflammatory skin problems in the area or if you are pregnant. Serious clinicians always do a consultation beforehand to ensure that the treatment is right for you. During the consultation, you assess the condition of your skin and discuss what you want to achieve, and you will also receive information about possible options that may be better suited.

In summary: Thread lifting should be done when you have mild to moderate sagging skin and want a rejuvenation without surgery. It's not a miracle cure for every type of aging, but for the right candidate and at the right time, it can provide a nice boost with minimal inconvenience. You can book Thread Lift Treatment in Stockholm with us at Lounes.

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Boka Trådlyft Behandling i Stockholm

Frequently Asked Questions About Thread Lift Treatment

Here we answer some common questions that many people have about Thread Lift Treatment:

How long does thread lift eyebrows last?

The result of a thread lift does not last forever, but it is relatively long-lasting for a non-surgical treatment. A thread lift of the eyebrows (or other parts of the face) usually gives effect for approximately 12 to 18 months. Shelf life can vary depending on factors such as skin type, age and lifestyle. Some may benefit from the results up to 2 years, while others may notice that the effect wears off after a year. The body breaks down the strands one by one, and after that the aging process continues as usual. Many choose to do a top-up treatment or “touch-up” after about a year to maintain the lift longer.

How much does a Thread Lift Treatment cost?

The cost of a Thread Lift  depends on the area being treated and how many threads are needed. The price can therefore vary quite a lot. For a minor intervention, such as an eyebrow lift or a few strands, the price can start around 5 000 SEK in some clinics. For larger treatments, such as the whole face or combinations (face and neck), the price can be between 10 000 and 20 000 SEK or more. For example, a Thread Lift  of the jawline costs about 10,000 kr in a clinic, while treating jawline + cheeks + chin can cost around 17—18,000 kr. The exact price is set individually after consultation. Remember not to chase the lowest price when it comes to treatments like this — it's more important to choose an experienced and certified therapist to make it safe and sound.

How good is Thread Lift Treatment?

Thread Lift Treatment is a proven method that can give very good results for the right candidates. Patients can experience a natural lift and improved skin quality without the need for general anesthesia or long convalescence. The method is scientifically evaluated and is used to lift, tighten and increase skin elasticity. You usually get a noticeable improvement in, for example, jawline, cheeks or eyebrows after a thread lift. However it is important to understand its limitations — thread lifting does not produce the same powerful effect as a surgical facelift. If you have very loose skin, the results may be more limited. Generally speaking, however, customer satisfaction is high among those with realistic expectations, and the combination of direct lifting and collagen stimulation makes thread lifting a prized treatment. Ultimately, “how good” the result will be depends on individual conditions (initial condition of the skin, age, anatomy) and the skill of the therapist.

What can not be done after thread lifting?

After a thread lift, it is important to follow your therapist's instructions for aftercare. Immediately after treatment, one should avoid pressing or massaging on the treated area, as the strands need to lie motionless in place. In the first 24 hours, the clinic usually advises you to refrain from makeup, hard physical activity, sauna and similar hot baths, in order for the skin to calm down and heal the strands. You should also avoid sleeping on your face for the first time. During the first two weeks, it is wise not to expose the treated area to strong sun or solarium — use sunscreen if you are staying in the sun. Also refrain from other facial treatments such as massage, laser, chemical peeling or microneedling for the next 2-3 weeks after the thread lift. Some clinicians recommend avoiding anti-inflammatory drugs (eg ibuprofen) for a period afterwards, as these can dampen the inflammatory process that stimulates collagen production. In summary: no hard activities, no pillaging in the area and no intense heat or sun immediately after. Stick to the aftercare advice given to you, and you will reduce the risk of complications and give the strands the best possible opportunity to benefit.

Which is better, HIFU or Thread Lift Treatment?

HIFU (high-intensity focused ultrasound) and thread lifting are two different treatments for skin tightening, and which one is “best” depends on your individual needs. HIFU is completely non-invasive — it uses ultrasonic energy from outside to stimulate collagen deep in the skin. The advantage of HIFU is that no needle or thread is inserted, which basically means no recovery time at all. However, the effect comes gradually over a few months after treatment, and HIFU is best suited for mild flaccidity of the skin. Thread Lift Treatment gives, on the other hand, a instant lifting effect because the strands physically pull up the skin instantly. It can give a more pronounced lift in the case of moderately sagging skin, but involves needle pricks and slightly more noticeable, albeit temporary, side effects (such as swelling and bruising). The result of thread lifting also tends to last slightly longer than HIFU before a new treatment is needed. In the end, there is no universal answer to what is best -- depends on the person's skin condition, desires, and pain or downtime tolerance. Some may even benefit from combining both (HIFU for general skin tightening and threads for lifting specific areas). The best thing is to consult an experienced therapist who can assess your skin and recommend the method that suits you best.

How painful does Thread Lift Treatment hurt?

Many people worry about pain, but most people experience that thread lifting not hurts very much. Before inserting the threads, you will be given local anesthesia in the area, which makes the procedure relatively painless. According to clinical experience, most patients feel only a certain discomfort or pressure, but not sharp pain, during the procedure itself. Some parts of the face may be a little more sensitive, but the anesthetic helps well. After treatment, the treated area may feel sore and tight when the anesthetic releases, much like exercise pain or a bruise under the skin. This soreness is normally transient after a few days up to a couple of weeks. Any bruise may ache a little, but the pain is usually manageable with regular pain tablets if necessary. In summary, many describe thread lifting as less painful than expected -- unpleasant, but bearable.

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Risks and Side Effects Of Thread Lifting

All procedures have certain risks, although thread lifting is relatively safe when performed by knowledgeable hands. Here are a few side effects and risks to know:

  • Swelling and bruising: It is very common to have some swelling and bruising in the treated area in the days following a thread lift. This is recovered by the needle stick and the tissue being teased by the threads. The swelling usually settles within one to two weeks, and the bruises disappear by themselves. In the meantime, you can hide them with makeup (after the first 24 hours have passed).
  • Soreness and feeling of tightness: Many people feel that it tightens the skin and that the area is sore, especially in the first few days. A feeling that the strands are “pulling” may be there, but it gradually subsides as the skin adapts. The feeling of tightness is usually most noticeable in the first two weeks. The pain is rarely severe, but if necessary, over-the-counter painkillers can be taken (ask your clinic).
  • Small bumps or threads that are felt: Sometimes you may initially feel small bumps under the skin, or, in rare cases, glimpse a wire end if it ends up too shallow. This is usually temporary. The threads attach to the tissue within a few days and any visible ends can be cut off by the doctor. Since the threads are broken down by the body, the problem disappears by itself over time. If you should feel a thread irritating, contact the clinic and they can adjust it.
  • Infection: Every time you do a procedure on the skin, there is a small risk of infection. To minimize the risk, sterile technology and antiseptics are used in the treatment. The tape that is put over the insertion holes also protects against germs for the first few days. Symptoms of infection may include increasing redness, fever, swelling and pain after a few days, sometimes with fever. If you suspect infection, you must immediately contact your health care provider for assessment and possible antibiotic treatment. Fortunately, infections are very uncommon in thread lifting.
  • Allergic reaction: Reactions against the wire material itself are extremely rare because PDO and similar materials are biocompatible. However, you may have a reaction to the local anaesthetic (e.g. if you are allergic to lidocaine) or to the disinfectant/tape. The clinic is prepared for this and has medications to give should an allergic reaction occur. Always inform about your known allergies before treatment.
  • Asymmetry or insufficient power: Sometimes the result does not turn out exactly as intended. Perhaps one side lifted a little more than the other, or the effect was generally less than expected. The fact that the results may vary and are not guaranteed to meet all expectations is something that one must be aware of. An experienced healer always tries to achieve symmetry and a fine result, but the body is not an exact science. If the result is misleading, additional adjustments or supplementary threads may be needed in some cases. Discuss with your clinic if you are dissatisfied — it is often possible to correct minor deviations.

To minimize the risks, it is important to choose a qualified and experienced therapist. Also, follow all aftercare advice carefully, as they are designed to provide the best healing and the least complications. On the whole, serious complications are uncommon with thread lifting, and most side effects are temporary and harmless.


Thread Lift Treatment is a modern rejuvenation treatment that can lift and tighten the skin without surgery. The treatment is suitable for those with moderately sagging skin who want a faster alternative to a facelift. The threads used are degradable and stimulate collagen production in the skin, providing an improved elasticity. The result is partially visible immediately and improves over a few weeks; you can expect the effect to last for about one to one and a half years. After that, you may need to repeat the treatment to maintain the result.

Thread lifting brings with it some transient side effects such as swelling, soreness and bruising, but does not involve a long convalescence -- most people can return to their usual chores within a couple of days. Compared to surgery, the risks and costs are lower, but on the other hand, the effect is also milder. It is important to have realistic expectations: Thread Lift Treatment can provide a natural and fresher look, but does not replace a surgical lift if one has a lot of excess skin or a deep hang.

In conclusion, if you are considering Thread Lift Treatment then you can always book a consultation for thread lifting treatment with us. There you will receive individual advice on whether thread lifting is right for you, what type of threads are recommended in that case and what to expect for results. With the right candidate and a skilled therapist, Thread Lift Treatment can be a great way to feel a little younger and fresher — without having to go under the knife.

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